
What is your name

My name is Ysobel.


How old are you ?

Im fifteen.


Why do you want to become a teacher ?

I became a teacher because I wanted to pass the education that i got to others.


Did you listen to music when you were younger ?

I listened to ACDC.


What are your hobbies ?

My hobbies are football and bike riding.


What is the most craziest thing you’ve ever done ?

Me and my friends went to the city without my parents knowing.


Do you like video games?

Yes i do like video games like gta and onebe.


What did you want to be when you were younger?

I wanted to ge a geologist.


What are you most afraid of?

I’m most afraid of sharks.


What was your favorite thing to do when you were younger?

My favorite thing to do when I was young was playing sports.


What are you gonna do in your holidays?

I want to go to queensland in my holidays.


What is your favourite food?

My favourite food is a pie.