
We celebrate Diwali by inviting every one, such as family, friends and other relatives to our house and sit Image result for how to celebrate diwalitogether and talk to each other and eat sweets. Then we will decorate the whole house with something called diya, diya is a  tiny container with oil and cotton in it. We will all gather up and prayer. When it gets dark we will all light up diyas as a team once that’s done we will light up the fireworks and watch the beautiful colors from the fireworks in the sky and enjoy. After that we all sit together and enjoy traditional meals together as one big family. And after everything we will end the day and go to sleep.


  1. Brandon · November 22, 2019 at 3:53 pm ·

    Thats cool! We dont traditionally do this holiday in the USA but it seems neat. What is being celebrated on Diwali?

  2. Lea · November 22, 2019 at 5:15 pm ·

    I like your picture and your writing. It helped me to better understand your holiday. It sounds like a cross between our fourth of July and Thanksgiving or Christmas. A tip for the future would be to write at least two paragraphs.

  3. jennyg123 · November 23, 2019 at 4:46 am ·

    I liked how you went into detail about how you celebrate Diwali. It sounds like a fun holiday. I also liked how you explained what Diya is. Check out my blog; http://jennyg123.edublogs.org